There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.
~Mohandas K. Gandhi |
SureClean will work for you to become Leed (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) compliant!
Green chemistry, also called sustainable chemistry, is a chemical philosophy encouraging the design of products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances.[1] Thus, green chemistry seeks to reduce and prevent pollution at its source. Which is fine for most general cleaners: degreasers, glass cleaners, odor eliminators, floor & carpet care products, and hand soap. Most of these green products are as good as if not more effective than conventional cleaning products. |
Though, contrary to what websites may claim, there's really not a green disinfectant.[2] In the bathroom you should use a powerful disinfectant, which for the most part due to their corrosive qualities, are not considered "Green." Basically, we are all fungulating humans, and we spread disease, thus we must kill these microorganism and green cleaners do not do as good of a job as the standard chemicals we have used for years.[3] |
Below are some of the most common problem-causing cleaning chemicals, and strategies for protecting yourself and your co-workers. |
This is the most common chemical irritant in modern buildings. It's hard to build without formaldehyde! The chemical is in plywood, particleboard, stain-resistant carpets, insulation, and adhesives used for flooring. Exposure to formaldehyde can bring on a sore throat and a tingling nose. The good news is that the amount of formaldehyde emitted by these products decreases over time. So if you have a problem with new carpet this week, you might not have the same problem next year since it dissipates quickly. For the most part chemicals used at night in the bathroom should dissipate by the morning, assuming you have proper ventilation. |
Solvents and Paints:
Many household products contain hazardous chemicals. Benzene, found in paints, varnishes and solvents can cause respiratory problems. Trichloroethylene, found in household cleaners and degreasers can cause fatigue and dizziness. The key to avoiding problems with household products is to read the label and use the products only as directed. |
Allergies to this rubber-like compound are most often seen in health-care workers who must wear latex gloves. People in this industry know of non-latex synthetic glove.[4]
[3] Not by Dictionary , but YES if you look up fungulating in Google!
[4] http://healthandenergy.comhousehold_allergies.htm
[5] Please see:; for an more information. |